Torino runner up – 2nd place – in the European Capital of Innovation Award 2016 for its open innovation models supporting social innovation start-ups and creating new market opportunities for urban innovations.
Cities are facing new societal challenges due to economic, environmental and demographic changes. However, cities have an enormous potential as innovation collectors because of the strong concentration of competences, high-educated people, resources, networks. Therefore, cities need to develop new models for sustainable, intelligent and inclusive growth.
Torino Social Innovation is a public program, a set of strategies and instruments to support new young enterprises that are able to address social needs in different fields (as education, employment, mobility, health, inclusion), and to create a blended value for the society, both social and economic. The aim is sustaining young social entrepreneurs, their creativity, their digital competences, their perception for social improvements.
The main objectives of TSI are:
1) Fostering the culture and the awareness of social innovation
2) Supporting the development of creative communities
3) Sustaining new forms of sharing economy
4) Simplifying the development of business projects for an economy that is more dynamic, inclusive and sustainable.
This partnership involves the Municipality of Turin and other 40 organizations, with the aim of creating an open ecosystem of actors and stimulating synergies among them and is the added value of TSI. It works as an open platform, a multi-stakeholders system, with different competences in research, entrepreneurship, policies for young people. Public and private organizations join this open platform integrating their services (for example spaces, advisory, finance, and so on) in favour of the development of social innovations in our city.
First level partners:
I3P Incubatore Politecnico di Torino/ 2i3t Incubatore Università di Torino/ MIP Provincia di Torino /Codex
Contribute with managerial advisory in favour of social entrepreneurs that apply for the call Facilito Giovani.
Second level partners:
Camera di commercio di Torino/ Club degli Investiitori / Compagnia di San Paolo/ Confocooperative Torino/ CSP – Innovazione nelle ICT/ Econocom/ Environment Park/ Euroventures / Fablab Torino/ Fondazione FITS! per l’Innovazione nel Terzo Settore/ Fondazione Michelin Sviluppo/Fondazione Torino Wireless/Forma-re-te/ ICN Italian Crowfunding Network/ Istituto Superiore Mario Boella/ Legacoop Piemonte/Nestor/ Officine Brand / Oltre Venture/ / Reseau Entreprendre Piemonte/ Sharing Torino/ S-NODI/ SocialFare/ Sumisura / Talent Garden Torino/ Telecom Italia/The Doers/ Toolbox Coworking/ TOP-IX/ Ufficio Pio/ YES4TO / Synesthesia
Provide complementary service. For example grants for the testing phase (Ufficio Pio), grants for each job position created by social entrepreneurs that apply for Facilito Giovani (Fondazione Michelin Sviluppo), services of social housing at discounted fees (Sharing Torino).
FaciliTo Giovani is the service supplied by the Municipality of Turin to sustain entrepreneurial projects promoted targeted to solving the arising social needs.
FaciliTo Giovani offers information, technical and financial support for proponents of innovative ideas, that are able to create a blended value, both social and economic, in different fields, as education, quality of life, mobility, social inclusion, health. Proponents could be young aspiring entrepreneurs, spin-off or enterprises with no more than 4 years of life, formed especially by young people and operating in Turin.
Up to now (may 2016), FaciliTo has received 255 proposal, 68 ideas have beeen tutored and 32 have been funded. More than 650.000 euros will be invested in supporting actions and 200.000 euros in professional advice.
Torino Social Innovation has adopted the model of “open platform”, where public and private organizations act in partnership and jointly innovate. In this perspective, the Municipality of Turin has launched a public call with the aim of restructuring an old industrial building of 1400 square meters, and realize a Center of Open Innovation. This building is part of a wider area, named “Ex-Incet”, subjected to a process of urban requalification.
Open Incet - opened on 15 October 2015 – is a key element of the TSI platform, created with the purpose of increasing the effectiveness and the resilience of the local innovation ecosystem by complementing the existing innovation offer, attracting investments and establishing connections with other innovation local ecosystems at the transnational level.
The Center focuses on idea generation, enterprise creation and growth, internationalisation and networks development. The range of activities includes service design, learning journeys, living labs, bar camps, acceleration, scouting and matching.
Open Incet is an example of public-private partnership, involving the local public administration and eight private organisations with complementary competences and networks, both local and international.
My Generation @ Work is an European project (URBACT program) that promotes the exchange of experiences about the youth employment and the development of entrepreneurial skills. It involves 12 cities all around Europe, that collaborate together and with local support groups to realize a local action plan whose aim is the improvement of youth employment.
Municipality of Turin joined the program since February 2013. International, bi-multilateral meetings and national seminars have been organized in order to promote the exchange of best practices and to improve knowledge sharing new tools:
> Maribor, April 2013: international workshop
> Rome. May 2013: national training on partecipative action planning
> Dublin, August 2013: Summer University
> Braga, September 2013: international workshop
> Rome, October 2013: seminars for first level controllers and project partners
> Naples, November 2013: national training
> Thessaloniki, January 2014: international workshop
> New York, June 2014: study visit at the Centre for Social Innovation
> Tampere, June 2014: international workshop
> Rome, November 2014: national workshop and infoday
> Turin, 17th/19th November 2014: multilateral workshop (program)
#Socinn Agenda, Turin workshop 18th November (Storify).
Speakers’s presentations:
Antonio Badalamenti (Nserta), Fabrizio Barbiero (City of Turin), Raffaele Barbato (URBACT) [video]; Adam Arvidsson, University of Milan [pdf /video]; Enrica Arena, Orange Fiber [pdf / video]; Daniele Pozzo, Naboomboo [pdf / video]; Emanuel Ferreira, hello3Dprintingworld [video]; Liceo Scientifico A. Einstein [pdf / video]; Liceo Classico D’Azeglio [pdf / video]; Peter Clausman, School of Mavericks/ TEDxAmsterdam [pdf / video]; Davide Gomba, Officine Arduino [pdf /video]; Maria Ruokonen, Less Miserable [pdf / video]; Claudio Bedino, Starteed [pdf / video]; Victoria Gomez, City of Valencia [video]; Tjalling de Vries, project of Social Impact Bond Ciiy di Rotterdam [pdf]; Michele Fatibene e Elena Deambrogio, InnovaTO project City of Turin [pdf / video]; Popi Sourmaidou, Ergani Center [video]; Francesco Carollo, Comunità del Cambiamento [pdf / video]; Simone Dantonio (Cittalia) e Gianfranco Presutti (Città di Torino) [video].